Thursday, 28 November 2019

Doggy Drama

We have had a very stressful morning!

Today, we decided to put Harry down, because he couldn’t walk for 2 days. 

He was whining and in terrible pain.

Told him that he was going for a last ride in the car (to the vet). 

Little Bastard!

He looked up, sprang off his bed, ran to car and jumped into it from 3 feet away, like Superdog. 

Sore neck, apparently.

He’s back home comfortably on his bed.

Men are all the same, whatever the species. Harry’s behaviour was as bad as Paul’s when he has the flu!

Lucy, however, had a grade 3 carcinoma cut off, earlier in the week. Her days are numbered, but even without treatment she might still live comfortably until her 14th birthday.